Trade giant Alibaba

Trade giant Alibaba 

In 1999, at the age of 35, Jack Ma, then an English teacher, founded Alibaba, which the world didn't know would change the shape of e-commerce forever.

Jack Ma was ambitious, he knew he could be more than just an English teacher, and in 1995 when one of his students showed him this thing called the Internet... Thoughts began to shine in his mind.

Jack Ma founded China Pages, a company based on the same idea as the famous Yellow Pages, which acts as a directory of companies and service providers that had a great position in America.

After years of trying and researching and in 1999 when Jack Ma was looking for opportunities through the Internet, what a Chinese man could surpass his American counterpart because of his mentality and effort.

Jack found that opportunity in trade, so that Chinese sellers and traders can get direct purchases, not just communicate... That's the secret... This is the path to success.

Days later, Jack Ma gathered 17 of his friends and students at his home to explain the idea for the company, which he later called

After Alibaba secured funding to begin its ascent journey, the global depression, known as "The Dot com bubble," lasted until 2004.

This crisis has led many investors to stop working with companies that rely on the Internet, thinking that the Internet is a bubble – which is why the crisis is called by that name.

Jack's goal since the beginning of the company's establishment was to transform Alibaba from a private company to a joint stock company in order to obtain more capital and increase the value of the company in the market and thus increase its investments.

This is what happened on September 18, 2012 when the company went public on the New York City Stock Exchange, which within 4 days of trading was worth $25 billion.

IPO – short for Initial Public Offering – is the highest in economic history to date, ahead of large companies such as Visa and Facebook.

This was Jack Ma's key step to make Alibaba an economic giant.

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